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Akpos be careful with bad news

By admin -
2018s ago

Akpos’ elder brother, Tommy, traveled to London months ago, leaving behind Akpos, their aged mom & their pet cat, Kelly. Last week Tommy called from London to know how they’re doing…

TOMMY: Hello brother how are you doing? how"s mom and how is Kelly?
AKPOS: Kelly is Dead!

TOMMY : (after a pause) Akpos, bad news is not revealed in that manner. U should have started by saying something like, "Kelly fell inside a well but neighbors are trying to rescue it". Then when I call again U tell me,
"Kelly broke it"s neck and is receiving treatment". Then when I call again, U tell me they did their best but couldn"t save it.
That"s how to break a bad news in a mature way. OK?

AKPOS: Ok bros, understood.
TOMMY: Ok, so how is Mom?

AKPOS: Bros, Mom fell inside a well, but neighbours are trying to rescue her. (Phone cuts).Tommy has been admitted in a private hospital in London after going into coma.

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